Friday, May 25, 2012


     I'm prepared to bet money that you didn't know that May 25th is National Wine Day.  Hey, it's 5:00 somewhere, right?  Enough said.  

Lizard Spit = Good News!

     Brace yourselves, people.  Researchers in Sweden have discovered that an ingredient in the saliva of Gila monsters can help curb cravings for chocolate and possibly other foods.  You heard me, lizard spit.  (Frankly, I don't think the good folks in Sweden have quite enough to do with themselves, but what do I know?)  Now, I live in Arizona where Gila monsters are gallavanting all around, and I still wouldn't know where to go to get a good dose of spit.  We found one in the backyard once, but we were too busy running around like idiots trying to keep the dogs away from it to collect a sample (which happens to be poisonous, by the way!!).  As for those of you in other parts of the country, good luck with this one.  I'll let you know as soon as I find lizard spit capsules on our shelves.  Who knew?!?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

More Fiber = Longer Life!

    We already know the many benefits of fiber -- lower cholesterol, lower LDL, steadier blood sugar, and regularity, as well as a decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and lung problems -- but now it appears that increasing our daily fiber intake to 25-30 grams a day might even help lengthen our lives.  I'm all ears!

     Check out the grams of fiber in the following sources:

     Beans (1 cup) -- 15 grams
     Peas (1 cup) -- 9 grams
     Raspberries (1 cup) -- 8 grams
     Broccoli (1 cup) -- 6 grams
     Pear (1 fruit) -- 5 grams
     Apple (1 fruit) -- 4 grams
     Corn (1 cup) -- 4 grams
     Oatmeal (1 cup) -- 4 grams
     Whole wheat bread (2 slices) -- 4 grams
     Almonds (1/4 cup) -- 4 grams

     And these are just a few of the fiber-rich goodies available.  Virtually every fruit and vegetable in your local produce department contains fiber, along with a host of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  What better time of year than spring/summer to try a new one every time you go to the store.  You could be adding years to your life!

     Have an unusual vegetable recipe to share?  Please leave a comment!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

And You're Off!

     So you're off on a little vacation, are you?  Or maybe you're hightailing it out of here for the entire summer.  More power to you.  Either way, I'm quite sure that one of the MOST important things on your mind is, "What the heck is going to happen to my fitness program while I'm away?"  Well, here's your very simple solution.

     If you'll only be gone for a week, do your body a favor and give it a rest.  Honestly, sometimes it's the best thing.  And if you're headed to the beach or the mountains, chances are you'll be walking, swimming, hiking, or being active anyway, so all is not lost.

     With a getaway of a month or more, you've got a little homework to do, but it's not a complicated assignment.  If you're staying at a resort hotel or with family or friends, there will probably be a fitness center available to you, either on the property or nearby.  Use it if you're accustomed to working out in that kind of facility at home, but there are plenty of other options.  For example, try performing a variety of exercises using only your body weight -- squats, stationary lunges, walking lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, dips, crunches, and back extensions, to name just a few.  Do a few sets of each of these exercises in rapid succession two or three times a week while you're gone, and you won't feel as if you're starting all over again when you get home.  And if you don't usually include any of those moves in your regular routine, here's a perfect opportunity to try something new and different.  Check with a trainer at your local gym before you leave home to be sure you're performing the exercises properly.

     If your biggest fear about going on vacation is the temptation to overeat, the same theory applies.  If you'll be away for a week, you're probably going to gain a couple of pounds.  Just plan on it, don't panic, and for heaven's sake don't let your fear prevent you from enjoying the culinary delights that might be available to you in a different part of the country (or world).  When you get home and return to your normal eating and exercise habits, you'll shed those few pounds in no time.  If you'll be away for a month or more, try not to lose your mind at every single meal, but do have some fun, particularly if you're visiting a place famous for its regional dishes.  The day after any unusually large meal, eat a little less and move a little more.  You'll be fine.

    When you get home, be aware of one of the most common post-vacation traps of all.  It goes something like this, "Gee, I'm tired and I've got all this laundry to do and tons of paperwork on my desk, and golly I just don't think I can get back to the gym right away.  I'll start again next week."  More often than not, "next week" becomes "next month," and suddenly you're starting from square one.  So enjoy your well-deserved vacation, treat yourself to some new and interesting foods, move around as much as possible, and get back to real life as soon as you get home.  And have a terrific time!

Been anywhere interesting lately?  Share your adventures with us by leaving a comment!