Friday, December 12, 2014

Holidays! Parties! HELP!!!

Most of us put on a few pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Why is that a surprise?  There are more parties during this period than the other eleven months combined, and we're all busy baking bizarre numbers of sweet treats in the name of tradition.  Once the dust settles and we stow our party manners for another year, those pounds will come off again, but if you're starting to get anxious, read on.

Don't let your fitness program fall completely by the wayside this time of year, but be reasonable.  Even though you might be accustomed to working out faithfully five days a week, that may be unrealistic during the holidays.  Allow yourself an abbreviated version of your normal routine.  If you usually exercise out for an hour a day, aim for half an hour a day or an hour every other day.  Use that time wisely (and vigorously), and then get on with other things.

Maintaining an exercise program is half the battle during the holidays.  Surviving parties is the other half.  Here's a handy tip I bet you've heard before: "Just before you leave for the event, eat an apple and drink two large glasses of water.  This will curb your appetite and prevent you from overindulging.  When you arrive, order a glass of water and move to the corner of the room farthest from the food.  Be sure to keep your hands busy with that water and your evening bag, and do not under any circumstances go near the buffet table."  What a jolly evening!  An apple and two large glasses of water?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  By the time you get to that party, you'll have a bloaty like nothing you've ever experienced and that sparkly little frock you spent last week's salary on will have taken on a life of its own.  Wearing pantyhose?  You might as well proceed directly to your hostess's guest room and lie down on top of the party coats because you'll have lost all interest in living by then.

If you're like me, when Aunt Gertie's cheese puffs are on the buffet table, I'm there.  Here, then, is another alternative: The day of the party, eat a normal breakfast.  If you're accustomed to having a salad or a sandwich for lunch, go for it.  If you usually go out to lunch for a bowl of pasta the size of your purse, cut back a bit.  Mid-afternoon, I don't care how crazy things are, strap on your sneakers and walk as quickly as you can away from your home or office for 15 minutes.  Take three deep breaths, then turn around and walk back just as quickly.  There's your workout for the day.  Now start getting into that spiffy outfit.

When you arrive at the party, order a glass of sparking water or wine and sip it slowly while you stroll the length of the buffet table.  Don't eat a bite until you've seen everything that's available.  And don't waste calories on anything that's at home in your kitchen as we speak.  Mixed nuts?  Don't think so.  Celery and carrot sticks?  Please be joking.  You are hot on the trail of the Chesapeake Bay crab dip and those addictive little sausage and spinach balls that your best friend won't share the recipe for.  Once you've located your quarry, get a small plate and take just one of everything that catches your fancy.  Now find a cozy corner with a couple of friends and savor every morsel.  If you take a bite of something that is not DIVINE, give it away and treat yourself to one more of your favorite things.  And enjoy every mouthful.  This is not the evening to make sacrifices.  You've been doing that all year so you could get into that dress.  Time to have a little fun.

The day after the party, get right back to business as usual.  Eat normally, exercise, and start looking forward to the next party.  During this holiday, pay a little more attention to your spirit.  And enjoy! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

No More New Year's Resolutions!

     This year, I'm not making a New Year's resolution.  Not a single one.  Why?  Because my annual resolution typically looks something like this: I'm going to work out for two hours every single day, even if I'm near death, I'm going to drink nothing but water and eat more protein, more fish, more vegetables, more fruit, more fiber, less fat, less sugar, and not so much as a single peanut M&M until I've lost all the weight I gained over the holidays.  What fun.  So much fun, in fact, that my resolution usually dies a slow, ugly death before Super Bowl Sunday.

     This year, I've decided I'm going to live to be 100 (what the heck, aim high), and at the halfway point, it's abundantly clear that I need to think less about the short term and more about the big picture.  So I'm making three non-negotiable changes to my lifestyle, and not just until Valentine's Day, but for the duration.

     #1.  EXERCISE

     I'm going to make exercise a part of my daily life, just like brushing my teeth.  Rather than thinking of it as a bothersome chore, I'll remind myself regularly of all the benefits of exercise -- increased metabolism, prevention of osteoporosis, a stronger heart muscle, better posture, leaner thighs, the list goes on and on.  I will schedule my exercise sessions  in my daytimer right next to my doctors' appointments and client training sessions, and I'll make it my business to take care of my machine every day.

     #2.  DIET

     Instead of going ON a diet, which clearly implies that at some point, I'll be going OFF that diet (with what result, do you figure?), I'm going to pay more attention to portion sizes.  I don't know about you, but I'm dreadful at eliminating foods from my life.  Please.  A bad day cries out for chocolate.  A good day practically demands wine and cheese.  If I feel as if I'm going to faint unless I have a piece of birthday cake, then I'm going to have a piece of birthday cake.  It doesn't have to be the big corner piece with the hat-sized frosting roses on it, but I'm going to have a small piece, and I'm going to reallyreallyreally enjoy those first couple of bites.  The first few bites are the best ones anyway, right?  By the fourteenth mouthful, we've usually got the idea.  So instead of eliminating entire food groups from my life, I'll learn to listen to my body and eat what I'm hungry for, and I'll stop eating before I'm uncomfortable.  

     #3.  STRESS

     Here's the toughest one for me.  I am going to learn to manage stress better.  Maybe you've figured out how to do this, but not me.  I am a world-class worrier with an unparalleled fretting quotient, and I'm not really happy unless I'm worrying something -- ANYTHING! -- to within an inch of its life.  And believe me, it takes a toll.  From now on, though, when faced with impending doom, I'm going to ask myself a couple of questions:  Will this really matter tomorrow?  Next month?  NEXT YEAR?  So far, I've been faced with very few challenges that require that degree of my undivided exasperation.  So I'm going to take a deep breath and let it go.  As I said, that's not something I do naturally or easily, but I believe it will have a significant positive effect on my quality of life. 


     Are your New Year's resolutions going down the tubes even as we speak?  Are they the same ones you swore to last year and the year before?  If so, consider making a few changes to your lifestyle that will enhance the quality and maybe even the length of your life.  Instead of giving up negative things (cookies, chips, beer), set positive goals this year, some things you can life with.  Exercise daily to keep your body strong and capable.  Free yourself by eating what you want, but don't eat so much of it that you're groaning.  De-stress your life by putting things into perspective.  This year, for a change, consider focusing on QUALITY.  Heck, even if we all live to be 100, it's still way too short.  Make it a good ride. 



Eat Your Holiday Stress Away

Okay, here it is, just what you've been waiting for:  The top 10 foods that will help reduce your holiday stress.  Hey, you've got to eat anyway, right?  Can't hurt.

1.)  Blood oranges
2.)  Oatmeal
3.)  Chamomile tea
4.)  Turkey
5.)  Almonds
6.)  Beef (preferably grass-fed)
7.)  Sweet potatoes 
8.)  Salmon
9.)  Lentils
10.) Oysters

Please note the absence of peppermint fudge, thumbprint cookies, and eggnog. But there's a time and a place for those goodies too.  Enjoy the holidays!