Thursday, June 9, 2016


           You’ve heard it before -- everything in moderation.  And maybe you’re thinking, yeah, blahblahblah, been there, done that, didn’t work for me, go away.  Well, alrightee then.  I will go away eventually but not before we take a different look at exactly what “moderation” can mean to our lives. 
         Wouldn’t it be preferable to start walking a little bit every day now rather than waiting to begin your SUPER ANNUAL GUTS TO GLORY SHAPE-UP PROGRAM next month, or next year, or after you’ve had a heart attack?  I don’t mean to sound so negative, but let’s be honest.  It’s pretty easy to keep putting that new exercise program off when you’ve created too daunting a task for yourself.  So even though I often preach the benefits of an hour a day of aerobic exercise, consider this: If you don’t have an hour a day, do what you can.  Half an hour, fifteen minutes, ANYTHING is better than NOTHING, right?  Even a little movement will provide benefits, and it’s infinitely better than sitting around waiting for that motivational bug to bite you.

          Similarly, wouldn’t it be more fun to enjoy a few bites of a really wonderful dessert that your Aunt Marjory made just for you rather than begging off with, “Oh, I couldn’t!  I’m dieting!  I’ll just have more of this fabulous celery!”  Help me.  Especially when you know that if you go long enough without a treat of any kind, you will eventually wind up in the grocery store parking lot with a plastic fork and a partially frozen Pepperidge Farm layer cake hoping no one recognizes your car while you shovel that baby in as fast as you can.  What a pretty picture.  Moderation means it’s okay to have a few bites of a special dessert when it’s available.  Skip the fat-free no-taste cookies, though, and treat yourself to something really divine when you indulge.  Keep this in mind, particularly when you attend a special event such as a birthday party or wedding when you’ll be tempted by unusual goodies that you don’t often see.  Enjoy them while they’re here, I say. 

          Everything in moderation is about doing a little bit every single day to make your present and future life better.  Move a little, try to eat right, enjoy a little treat, have some fun.  Moderation now might even mean a better, LONGER life.  Let’s enjoy it!