Monday, August 6, 2012

National Root Beer Float Day

     Here we go again, something to help us cling to life for the next 24 hours.  Today is National Root Beer Float Day!  How could you not have known?  And why wasn't I alerted prior to this so I could give you plenty of notice?  Because one doesn't just race out the door and find a root beer float on the nearest corner.  One is going to have to plan ahead to enjoy a root beer float.  But now you have the rest of the day!  Have two!

     (And by the way, who comes up with these designated days, does anyone know?  I for one am anxiously awaiting National Vacuum Cleaner Bag Day.  And possibly National Celery Seed Day.  And how about National Heck-With-Everything-I'm-Ditching-Work Day?  That one's got legs!)

1 comment:

Granny Blogger said...

I couldn't agree more. Who the heck has the authority to NANME these days? It could be YOU since you seem to have the sense of humor for it and some GREAT IDEAS!!! Let't vote for MAR to be our chooser of THE DAY!!!!!!!!